Women-Owned Business: How Female Entrepreneurs Are Breaking Barriers and Driving Economic Growth

Women-owned businesses have been on the rise in recent years, contributing to the growth of the economy and the empowerment of women. In this article, we'll explore the current state of women-owned businesses, the challenges they face, and the strategies they use to succeed.

Women-Owned Businesses

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

The Rise of Women-Owned Businesses

Women-owned businesses have been growing at a faster rate than the overall rate of business growth in the United States. According to a report by American Express, the number of women-owned businesses increased by 58% between 2007 and 2018, compared to a 12% increase in overall businesses.

Learn More About "Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Certification program"

The Impact of Women-Owned Businesses on the Economy

Women-owned businesses generate significant economic activity, contributing more than $1.8 trillion to the economy and employing over 9 million people in the United States. This has a ripple effect on the economy, creating jobs and stimulating growth in communities.

The Challenges Faced by Women-Owned Businesses

While women-owned businesses are on the rise, they still face a number of challenges that can impede their growth and success.

Access to Capital

Access to capital is one of the biggest challenges faced by women-owned businesses. According to a report by the National Women's Business Council, women-owned businesses receive only 4.4% of the total value of all small business loans, despite representing 42% of all businesses.

Gender Bias

Gender bias can also be a significant obstacle for women-owned businesses. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that investors are more likely to invest in companies with male leaders, even when female-led companies have better performance.

Work-Life Balance

Women business owners often face challenges balancing their work and personal lives. Many women are primary caregivers for their families, which can make it difficult to devote the time and energy needed to grow a business.

Strategies Used by Successful Women-Owned Businesses

Despite the challenges, many women-owned businesses are thriving. Here are some strategies used by successful female entrepreneurs.

Finding Mentors

Having a mentor can be a valuable resource for women business owners. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and advice based on their own experiences.


Networking is crucial for any business owner, but it can be especially important for women-owned businesses. Women entrepreneurs can benefit from networking with other women in business, as well as with industry leaders and potential customers.

Leveraging Technology

Technology can help women-owned businesses overcome some of the challenges they face, such as access to capital and work-life balance. Online platforms can provide access to funding and resources, and remote work tools can help business owners balance their work and personal responsibilities.


Women-owned businesses are a driving force in the economy, contributing to economic growth and creating jobs. Despite the challenges they face, female entrepreneurs are finding ways to succeed by leveraging technology, networking, and finding mentors.


What percentage of businesses are women-owned?

Women-owned businesses represent 42% of all businesses in the United States.

What is the biggest challenge facing women-owned businesses?

Access to capital is one of the biggest challenges faced by women-owned businesses.

How much do women-owned businesses contribute to the economy?

Women-owned businesses contribute more than $1.8 trillion to the economy and employ over 9 million people in the United States.

What is the impact of women-owned businesses on communities?

Women-owned businesses create jobs and stimulate growth in communities.

How can women-owned businesses overcome the challenges they face?

Women-owned businesses can overcome challenges by finding mentors, networking, and leveraging technology.

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